How to Make Mechanical Keyboard Quieter

To make a mechanical keyboard quieter, you can use dampening products like o-rings or foam inserts between the keycap and switch mechanism. Additionally, lubing the switches can reduce noise by making them smoother.

This article explores various methods to make your mechanical keyboard quieter for a more enjoyable typing experience. Mechanical keyboards are revered for their tactile feedback and superior typing experience. However, for those in shared spaces or simply seeking a quieter environment, the satisfying clickety-clack can become an annoyance.

Fortunately, there are effective methods to make mechanical keyboards quieter. By using dampening products like o-rings or foam inserts, the noise produced when typing can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, lubing the switches with specialty lubricants can contribute to a smoother keystroke and reduce overall noise levels. We will explore different techniques and products that can make your mechanical keyboard quieter, allowing for a more peaceful working or gaming environment.

How to Make Mechanical Keyboard Quieter


Why Do Mechanical Keyboards Make Noise?

Mechanical keyboards generate noise due to the mechanism that activates with every keystroke. Understanding the reasons behind keyboard noise can help identify ways to make them quieter. Factors contributing to keyboard noise include the switch technology used, keycap materials, and typing technique.

Different switch types, such as tactile, clicky, or linear, produce varying levels of noise. Keycap materials, like abs or pbt plastic, can affect the sound produced. Furthermore, individual typing technique and force exerted while typing can also contribute to the overall noise level.

To make a mechanical keyboard quieter, one can opt for switches designed specifically for noise reduction, use dampeners or o-rings to dampen the sound, or consider switching to alternative keycap materials. Being mindful of typing technique can also help reduce noise.

By understanding these factors and implementing suitable measures, it is possible to enjoy the benefits of mechanical keyboards without the excessive noise.

Tips For Choosing Quieter Mechanical Keyboards

Mechanical keyboards are notorious for their loud and clicky sound. To make them quieter, consider these tips for choosing the right keyboard. Different switch types have varying noise levels, so opt for switches known to be quieter. Some popular options include cherry mx silent red or black switches.

Additionally, look for keyboards with noise-dampening features such as o-rings or foam inserts. These can help to muffle the sound of keystrokes. Moreover, keyboards with a low actuation force may also produce less noise. Another option to explore is customizing your keyboard with lubricated switches or adding dampening material under the keys.

In conclusion, by selecting a keyboard with quieter switch types and noise-dampening features, you can enjoy a more peaceful typing experience. Remember, a little research goes a long way in finding the perfect quiet mechanical keyboard.

How To Make Mechanical Keyboards Quieter

Making a mechanical keyboard quieter involves lubricating the switches, applying o-rings to reduce key travel noise, and using foam or sound-dampening material for insulation. By lubricating the keyboard switches, you can reduce the friction and noise caused by the switch movement.

Applying o-rings around the keycaps can also help dampen the sound by reducing the distance the key travels. Additionally, using foam or sound-dampening material inside the keyboard case can absorb the sound and vibrations produced by the switches. These methods can significantly reduce the noise level of a mechanical keyboard and provide a quieter typing experience.

With the right techniques, you can enjoy the satisfying tactile feedback of a mechanical keyboard without disturbing those around you. So, follow these steps to make your mechanical keyboard quieter and enjoy a more peaceful typing experience.

Lubricating The Keyboard Switches

Lubricating the keyboard switches is an essential step in making a mechanical keyboard quieter. There are various types of lubricants that can be used for switches. To start the process, ensure you have the necessary tools and a clean workspace.

Begin by removing the keycaps carefully. Apply a small amount of lubricant to the switch stem, being cautious not to use too much. Spread the lubricant evenly across the stem using a brush or applicator. Reassemble the keyboard and test the switches for smoothness and reduced noise.

Experiment with different lubricants to find the one that suits your preferences. Regular maintenance is recommended to keep your keyboard functioning optimally. By following these steps, you can enjoy a quieter typing experience with your mechanical keyboard.

Applying O-Rings To Reduce Key Travel Noise

Applying o-rings is a popular method to reduce key travel noise on mechanical keyboards. O-rings are small rubber rings that are placed underneath each keycap. They work by dampening the sound produced when a key is pressed and reducing the distance the key travels before bottoming out.

The installation process for o-rings is fairly simple. First, remove the keycaps from your keyboard. Then, place an o-ring onto the stem of each key switch. Make sure the o-rings are centered and secure. Finally, reattach the keycaps and test your keyboard to see the difference in noise levels.

By following these steps, you can easily make your mechanical keyboard quieter without compromising its performance.

Foam Or Sound-Dampening Material Insulation

Foam or sound-dampening material insulation can greatly reduce the noise of a mechanical keyboard. These materials absorb sound waves, minimizing the clatter caused by key presses. Using them provides numerous benefits, including a quieter typing experience and less disturbance to those around you.

Proper installation is crucial for achieving maximum noise reduction. Ensuring that the foam or sound-dampening materials are placed correctly inside the keyboard will effectively muffle the noise. By following this step, you can transform your loud mechanical keyboard into a much quieter one, enhancing your typing experience and reducing noise pollution in your environment.

So, if you want to enjoy the smooth and satisfying feel of a mechanical keyboard without the disruptive noise, consider using foam or sound-dampening material insulation. It’s an easy and effective way to make your keyboard quieter.

Other Noise Reduction Techniques

Placing the keyboard on a mat or soft surface helps absorb some of the noise. Adjusting your typing technique by pressing the keys gently and evenly can also reduce the noise produced. Utilizing software that allows you to customize key sounds can be another effective solution.

By choosing softer and quieter key sounds, you can significantly minimize the noise emitted while typing. These techniques are simple yet efficient ways to make your mechanical keyboard quieter, providing a more peaceful and enjoyable typing experience. So, give them a try and see the difference it can make.

Say goodbye to loud typing and hello to a quieter keyboard.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Make Mechanical Keyboard Quieter

How Can I Make My Mechanical Keyboard Quieter?

To make your mechanical keyboard quieter, you can add o-rings, lubricate the switches, or switch to a quieter switch type, such as cherry mx silent or gateron silent switches. O-rings dampen the sound of bottoming out keys, while lubricating the switches reduces friction and noise.

Switching to quieter switches can also significantly reduce the noise level.


Making your mechanical keyboard quieter is a simple and effective way to enhance your typing experience. By following the tips in this blog post, you can reduce the noise levels caused by keycap vibrations, switch sounds, and stabilizers. Taking the time to dampen your keyboard’s noise can have a significant impact on your productivity, concentration, and the overall comfort of your workspace.

Remember, starting with lubrication can help reduce friction and minimize the sound of key presses. Moreover, adding o-rings or silencing clips can further dampen the noise produced when pressing down keys. Additionally, considering a switch upgrade to quieter variants, such as tactile or silent switches, can make a remarkable difference.

By implementing these techniques, you can transform your noisy mechanical keyboard into a quiet and enjoyable tool for work or play. So why wait? Dive into the world of keyboard modifications and take control of your typing experience today.