How to Change Mechanical Keyboard Switches

To change mechanical keyboard switches, carefully remove the keycaps and any screws holding the switches in place, then desolder the old switches and solder new ones in. Changing mechanical keyboard switches involves removing keycaps and any screws, desoldering old switches, and soldering new ones in.

This process allows for customization and replacement of switches according to personal preferences. By following the necessary steps, one can easily change the mechanical keyboard switches to enhance typing experience or fix any issues with the current switches. Customize your keyboard by swapping out switches to find the perfect fit for your typing style and preferences.

How to Change Mechanical Keyboard Switches


Different Types Of Mechanical Keyboard Switches

Mechanical keyboard switches are the fundamental components that determine the performance and feel of a keyboard. The different types of switches available include cherry mx switches, kailh switches, and gateron switches. Cherry mx switches are known for their reliability and long lifespan.

Kailh switches, on the other hand, offer a more budget-friendly option without compromising quality. Gateron switches provide a smooth typing experience with a range of options, including different actuation forces. Each switch type has its characteristics, such as actuation point, tactile feedback, and sound profile, influencing the overall typing experience.

Whether you prefer a clicky, tactile, or linear switch, understanding the differences between these switch types is essential when swapping or upgrading your mechanical keyboard switches. By making an informed choice, you can customize your typing experience to suit your preferences and enhance your productivity.

Understanding The Anatomy Of A Mechanical Keyboard

Understanding the anatomy of a mechanical keyboard is essential when it comes to changing switches. The different components, such as keycaps, key switches, pcb, plate, and stabilizers, work together seamlessly. Keycaps are the visible part and can be replaced or customized easily.

Key switches, located beneath the keycaps, determine the typing experience. Pcb acts as the central hub, transmitting signals between the key switches and the computer. The plate provides stability and prevents the keyboard from flexing. Stabilizers ensure smooth key movement and prevent wobbling.

By replacing the key switches, you can personalize the keyboard according to your preference. With this understanding, you can confidently embark on the process of switching mechanical keyboard switches without any hassle.

Reasons To Change Mechanical Keyboard Switches

Switch failure or malfunction is a common reason to change mechanical keyboard switches. Users may prefer a different switch type based on their individual preferences. Additionally, customization and personalization options make switch replacement an attractive choice. Users seek to avoid the overused switch types and look for unique alternatives.

In this article, we will highlight common scenarios when users might want to change switches. By understanding these reasons, users can make informed decisions about switch replacement for their mechanical keyboards. Moreover, exploring different types of switches allows users to find the one that suits their typing style and enhances their overall typing experience.

Remember, it’s essential to choose the right switch to improve productivity and comfort while using mechanical keyboards.

Tools Required For Changing Mechanical Keyboard Switches

To change mechanical keyboard switches, you’ll need a few essential tools. Here’s a list of what you’ll need: keycap puller, switch puller, soldering iron, solder sucker or desoldering pump, solder wick or desoldering braid, lubricant (optional), and switches of your choice.

These tools are necessary for a successful switch replacement. The keycap puller helps remove the keycaps without damaging them. The switch puller allows you to detach the switches from the circuit board. A soldering iron is needed to remove the old switches and solder the new ones in place.

The solder sucker or desoldering pump helps to remove excess solder. The solder wick or desoldering braid can be used to clean any leftover solder. Lubricant can be applied to the switches for better performance. Once you have all the tools ready, you can confidently begin the process of changing your mechanical keyboard switches.

Preparation Before Changing Mechanical Keyboard Switches

To change your mechanical keyboard switches, start by turning off and unplugging the keyboard. Next, use a keycap puller to remove the keycaps. Once that’s done, take the time to clean both the keyboard and the area around the switches, removing any debris.

By following these steps, you’ll be better prepared for the switch replacement process and ensure that everything works smoothly. Remember to handle each step with care and attention to detail so that you don’t damage any components. With proper preparation, you’ll be on your way to enjoying a keyboard with new switches in no time.

Removing Old Mechanical Keyboard Switches

To remove old mechanical keyboard switches, utilize a switch puller for a gentle extraction. Next, desolder the switches from the pcb. Finally, clean the pcb and plate if necessary.

Installing New Mechanical Keyboard Switches

Installing new mechanical keyboard switches is a straightforward process. Start by inserting the new switches into the pcb, making sure they are aligned properly. Next, solder the new switches to the pcb securely. This will ensure a stable connection and prevent any issues later.

Following these instructions will help you change your mechanical keyboard switches effectively, without any complications. So, go ahead and give your keyboard a fresh feel with the new switches!

Testing And Verifying The New Mechanical Keyboard Switches

To change mechanical keyboard switches, start by connecting the keyboard to a computer. Next, test each switch for functionality, ensuring they work correctly. Be on the lookout for any issues or inconsistencies that may arise. By following these steps, you can verify the new mechanical keyboard switches and ensure they are in proper working order.

Customizing And Fine-Tuning The Mechanical Keyboard

Customizing and fine-tuning your mechanical keyboard involves optional steps to enhance its performance. Applying lubricant to switches ensures smoother operation, while modifying stabilizers enhances the typing experience. Swapping keycaps allows for a different look and feel. These simple modifications can drastically improve your typing experience without the need for buying a new keyboard.

By following these steps, you can easily change the mechanical keyboard switches to suit your preferences. Increase your typing efficiency and enjoyment with these customizable options.

Conclusion And Final Thoughts

Knowing how to change mechanical keyboard switches is essential for customization and personalization. By replacing the switches, users can enhance their typing experience and tailor it to their preferences. Experimenting with different switches allows individuals to find the perfect fit for their needs.

It’s important to recap the importance of knowing this skill, as it empowers users to optimize their keyboards to suit their unique typing style. Furthermore, customization opens up possibilities for improved performance and comfort. Don’t be afraid to try different switches and embrace the process of finding the ideal one.

So, go ahead and explore the world of mechanical keyboard switches to enhance your typing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Change Mechanical Keyboard Switches

Can I Change Mechanical Keyboard Switches?

Yes, you can change mechanical keyboard switches. Most mechanical keyboards allow for hot-swapping, making it easy to swap out switches without soldering. However, it’s important to ensure compatibility and choose switches that fit your keyboard’s layout and mounting style.

Why Would I Want To Change My Mechanical Keyboard Switches?

There are several reasons to change your mechanical keyboard switches. Switch preference varies from person to person, so changing switches can help improve typing experience and customize the feel of your keyboard. Additionally, some switches may be more suitable for specific tasks like gaming or typing.

How Do I Choose The Right Mechanical Keyboard Switches?

When choosing mechanical keyboard switches, consider your typing style and preferences. Factors like switch type (linear, tactile, or clicky), actuation force, and travel distance play a role in the overall typing experience. It’s also helpful to try out different switches or research reviews to find the one that suits you best.


To wrap up, changing mechanical keyboard switches is a practical and straightforward process that anyone can do with a bit of patience and the proper tools. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily customize your keyboard to suit your unique preferences and typing style.

Remember to carefully choose your new switches based on factors such as tactile feedback, actuation force, and noise level to ensure the best typing experience. Whether you’re a gamer looking for faster reactions or a writer seeking a quieter typing environment, switching out your mechanical keyboard switches opens up a world of possibilities.

So go ahead and embark on this journey of personalizing your keyboard, and enjoy the enhanced typing experience that awaits you. Happy typing!