Can I Upgrade My Laptop Processor From I5 To I9?

If you’re like most laptop users, you want to make sure your machine is as powerful as possible. And if you’re thinking of upgrading your processor, you may have a question in mind, can I upgrade my laptop processor from i5 to i9.

Well, it can be a great way to improve its performance and the good news is that processor upgrades are possible in laptops with the right tools and know-how. But they can be expensive and time-consuming.

It is a kind of swapping the motherboard. So, it’s important to make sure that your machine is compatible with the new chip.

So, if you want to know about the step-by-step process of upgrading your laptop’s processor, then read this blog post.

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How Can I Upgrade My Laptop Processor From I5 To I9? Step By Step Process:

How Can I Upgrade My Laptop Processor From I5 To I9

Well, unlike on desktops, direct processor changing and upgrading is not possible on laptops. You will have to swap the whole motherboard in your laptop if it has any high specs motherboard available, depending on the model.

So, if you want to know about the step-by-step process of processor upgrading or motherboard swapping, then follow these steps:

Check The Compatibility. 

The first step is to check whether your laptop is compatible with the new motherboard or not. For this, you have to check the model of your laptop and then look for the motherboard model number. You can find this information in the manual or on the manufacturer’s website.

Look For A Replacement Motherboard (Core I9 Processor).

Once you know that your laptop is compatible with the new motherboard, then you have to look for a replacement motherboard. For this, you will have to search on the internet or visit the laptop service center.

Purchase The Replacement Motherboard.

After finding the right replacement motherboard which has a core i9 processor, you have to purchase it. You can buy it from the online store or from the laptop service center.

Remove The Old Motherboard.

Now you have to remove the old core i5 motherboard from your laptop. For this, you will have to open the back panel of your laptop and then remove all the screws that are holding the motherboard in place.

Install The New Motherboard.

After removing the old motherboard, you have to install the new one in its place. For this, you will have to align the new motherboard with the screw holes and then insert the screws in their place.

Connect All The Cables.

After installing the new motherboard, you have to connect all the cables in their proper place. For this, you will have to refer to the manual or the website of the manufacturer.

Close The Back Panel.

Once you have connected all the cables, you have to close the back panel of your laptop.

Boot Your Laptop And Install The Operating System.

After closing the back panel, you have to boot your laptop and then install the operating system.

These are the steps that you have to follow if you want to upgrade your processor or swap the motherboard on your laptop. But before doing this, you should keep in mind that it is a time-consuming and expensive process.

So, if you are not comfortable with doing this, then you can also follow some other tips which are mentioned below in the article.

Can I Upgrade My Laptop Processor From I5 To I9

How Much Does The I5 To I9 Upgrade Cost?

Well, the upgrade from i5 to i9 can be expensive as it requires you to purchase a new motherboard. The cost of the new motherboard will depend on the model of your laptop and the specs of the motherboard.

If we take a general calculation, then the cost of upgrading from i5 to i9 can range from $200 to $500.

How Much Are I5 To I7 Upgrade Cost Estimates?

The cost of upgrading from i5 to i7 can be cheaper as compared to upgrading from i5 to i9. This is because the i7 is an older technology and is affordable also so people would have bought the i7 models in abundance compared to i9 processor models. So, it means that the parts of the i7 processor motherboard would be available cheap. So that’s why the cost of upgrading from i5 to i7 can range from $100 to $300.

Does the I5 to i7 upgrade worth it? 

Well, it depends on various factors like the usage, budget, etc. if you are a normal user then there is no need to upgrade from i5 to i7 as the performance difference would be negligible. But, if you are a power user or a gamer, then upgrading from i5 to i7 can give you better performance as compared to an i5 processor. So, hopefully, your question (does i5 vs i7 make a difference?) has now been answered.

Advantages And Disadvantages of i5 to i9 Upgrade:

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of processor upgrade from i5 to i9 in laptops are the following:


  • If you are a power user or a gamer, then upgrading from i5 to i9 can give you better performance as compared to an i5 processor.
  • With the upgrade of the processor, you will be able to use the latest software and games which require a better processor for running them smoothly.
  • The latest processors like i9 have more cores and threads as compared to the older processors. So, with the upgrade, you will get better multitasking performance.


  • The process of upgrading from i5 to i9 can be time-consuming and expensive as it requires you to purchase a new motherboard.
  • If you are not comfortable with doing the upgrade, then it is better to not do it as it can result in damaging your laptop.
  • After upgrading the processor, you will also have to reinstall the operating system and all the programs.

So, these were some of the advantages and disadvantages of upgrading from i5 to i9. Now, it is up to you whether you want to upgrade.

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Other Ways To Improve Laptop Performance

Some of the top ways to improve Laptop Performance without changing the processor are the following:

Hardware-Based Improvements.

some hardware-based improvements are the following:

Upgrade The RAM.

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to improve the performance of your laptop is to upgrade the RAM. You can upgrade the RAM by adding more memory modules or by replacing the old modules with new ones.

Upgrade The Storage.

Another way to improve the performance of your laptop is to upgrade the storage. You can upgrade the storage by replacing the old hard drive with a new one or by adding a solid-state drive.

Replace The Battery.

If your laptop is not performing well, then it might be due to the battery. You can replace the old battery with a new one to improve the performance of your laptop.

Upgrade The Graphics Card.

If you are a gamer or if you use your laptop for graphic-intensive tasks, then you can upgrade the graphics card to improve the performance of your laptop.

Upgrade The WiFi Card.

If you use your laptop for wireless networking, then you can upgrade the WiFi card to improve the performance of your laptop.

Software-Based Improvements.

some software-based improvements are the following:

Update Drivers.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by updating the drivers. Drivers are the software that allows your operating system to communicate with the hardware.

Use High-Performance Power Plan.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by using the high-performance power plan.

Change Visual Effects Settings.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by changing the visual effects settings.

Adjust For Best Performance.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by adjusting the settings for the best performance.

Turn Off SuperFetch.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by turning off SuperFetch.

Turn Off Tips And Notifications.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by turning off tips and notifications.

Reduce Boot Menu Time-Out Value.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by reducing the boot menu time-out value.

Edit Prefetch Parameters.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by editing the Prefetch parameters.

Disable Runtime Broker.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by disabling Runtime Broker.

Turn Off Live Tiles.

You can improve the performance of your laptop by turning off live tiles.

So these are some tips by which you can improve your laptop’s performance without changing the processor.

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So, if you’re looking to upgrade your laptop processor from i5 to i9, it can be done – but it will cost you. The good news is that the price for upgrading from an i5 to an i7 is much less expensive than going from i5 to i9, so that may be a wiser investment.

Alternatively, there are some tips we shared in this post on how you can improve laptop performance without changing the processor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it possible to upgrade the processor in the laptop?

A: In most cases, no. Laptops generally have soldered-on CPUs, which means the processor is permanently attached to the motherboard and cannot be removed or replaced. That being said, there are a few laptops out there with replaceable processors. You can also try motherboard swapping if your laptop model has other versions of CPUs.

Q: How much does it cost to upgrade from i5 to i7?

A: It typically costs around $100 to upgrade from an i5 to an i7.

Q: How much does it cost to upgrade from i5 to i9?

A: Upgrading from an i5 to an i9 can cost upwards of $500

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